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  • MSCA Doctoral Networks call 2025
     2 April 2025 - 4 April 2025
     10:30 - 13:00

The MSCA DN programme is an attractive grant allowing a consortium to train between numerous PhDs in a single project. With such a highly trained group of PhDs, the consortium will have the capacity to make a tremendous scientific impact on current and future challenges.
A MSCA DN application requires a well-thought-out research programme to be conducted by the PhDs under the supervision of esteemed leaders in the field. The research programme forms the core of the training the PhDs will receive, which is further enhanced by training in broader research skills and abilities important for their future careers in academic, industrial or societal environments.
In our training we will discuss strategies for designing outstanding, coherent and well-balanced research and training programmes, and how to transfer these ideas to the requested sections in the application form in such a way that each section stands out from competitive submissions.

The training is relevant for researchers building a MSCA network for doctoral students as well as for EU grant support staff.

Click here for the complete leaflet


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